Additional Prices

Bespoke Funeral
Funeral Director Fees: £2250 which includes;
Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements
Collecting and transporting the deceased from place of death (within 15miles of our premises)
Care of the deceased
Oak Veneered coffin
Viewing during office hours (if requested)
Conducting the funeral on an agreed time and date
4 Pallbearers (additional for Health and Safety reasons are charged at £50 each)
Crematorium: Dependant on which local crematorium
Doctors Fees: £82 each (Cremation only)
Ministers/Celebrant Fees: £170 – £220
Out of Hours Viewing: £50
Flowers: Family Budget / Price on Request
Limousine: £375 each
Hygienic Treatment : £250
Press Notice: £135 in Paper, £35 online only
Service Sheets: Price on Request
Transfers (before funeral date): £250
Alternative Coffin: Price on Request
Dressing in Own clothes: £50
Grave Marker: £75
Ashes Casket: £75
Scatter tubes: £30
Alternative Hearse: Price on Request
Direct Cremation
£1650 which includes;
Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements
Collecting and transporting the deceased from place of death (within 20miles of our premises. £1 per mile after)
Care of the deceased
Oak Veneered coffin
Doctors Fees
Crematorium Fees
Suitable Transport
Dressing in Own clothes: £50
Hygienic Treatment: £250
Viewing during office hours: No charge
Viewing Out of office hours: £50
(All viewings AFTER hygenic treatment)
Direct Burial*
£1300 plus Burial Fees (Price on request as depends on location) which includes:
Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements
Collecting and transporting the deceased from place of death (within 20miles of our premises. £1 per mile after)
Care of the deceased
Oak Veneered coffin
Suitable Transport

*Please note that we request all funds for direct funerals upfront. If viewing, hygienic treatment must be done beforehand.

Service at Milnsbridge Chapel
Extra £650 with Celebrant
Extra £350 without Celebrant
*Please note that we request all funds for direct funerals upfront.

Alternative Transport / Options
If you require any alternative transport, or anything specialised then please enquire to see what we can offer. Prices for these are available on request.

To enquire about our funeral plans, call us today on